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How to Write a Website that
Expands Your Business
& Elevates Your Bottom Line

without the time-consuming, demoralizing part
where you have to figure out what the heck to write

Building your biz used to be easy. You connected with people on your social channels or over email. But now you’ve grown up a bit. You’ve moved beyond the circle of clients who will take you at your word.


You need a place to show people what you can do – asap!

Is your website non-existent or simply not persuasive enough to sell? Either way, it’s time to buckle down, my friend!

In just 3 days, you'll have everything you need to write a site that resonates with your people and helps you sell in your sleep!

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Your writing woes are NOT your fault

You’re a smart, intelligent, capable business owner. You get stuff done all day every day. But for some reason, your website copy never sounds quite right.


What’s the deal?

Rest assured, it’s not just you. Even super-successful copywriters who are specifically trained to write copy have trouble writing for our own businesses. (Yes, I’m looking shame-faced in the mirror…) 

And it's only because we’re so close to our businesses. It's hard for you to see your offer clearly. Which means writing copy that resonates is difficult – no matter how well you write.


You’re running the day-to-day operations. You’re deeply invested in solving problems for your clients and customers. And your future clients and customers need to hear a unique type of messaging.


  • Messaging that helps them see the problem clearly

  • Messaging that offers hope for a wide world of possibilities

  • Messaging that positions you as the perfect person to make their dreams come true

You know your current customers super-well, and that is awesome. But you have to write your website to the other people – the ones who aren’t even sure they need help yet, or that you’re the person to solve their problem.


Your website copy has to move people from “awareness” to “conversion.” And that’s no small feat!

Your super-compelling website is hiding inside your brain

Despite the challenges you’re facing, high-converting website copy is *much* closer than you think! Sure, it might be a bit scattered right now.


(I suspect some of it is hanging out behind your anxiety about getting it “perfect.”)


Imagine how wonderful it will be when you can send a client to your site confidently! They’ll poke around and have every single question answered.


And they’ll hit the [BUY NOW], [DONATE], or [BOOK A CALL] button before they close their browser.


Imagine closing deals and growing your business without having to do the heavy lifting! Your website is connecting with your customers 24/7. Showing them exactly what's possible when they work with you!

Yep, that’s all available.

YOU can create a website that increases your revenue and makes you beam with pride!


I promise.

The perspective you need + a rock-solid strategy to get. this. done!

We're going to start with a wide-ranging, detailed series of trainings to help you nail your messaging. I'll ask you questions you’ve never thought of before. I'll present a completely different way of thinking about your audience, offer, and positioning.

And once you’re clear on exactly what your business is all about – at the deepest level possible – I'll show you how to structure your copy so that it makes perfect, logical, emotional sense to your customers.

This process - my process - is completely different than the method used by so-called “website copy templates”. Templates give you a generic recipe to follow…

(For the headline: Mix 1 part Dream Outcome with 3 parts Pain Point.)

…while my intentional, FOCUSED process means you'll engage authentically with your people.

Your business isn’t a cookie-cutter business! And your website should be as unique and wonderful as YOU are!


So instead of squeezing yourself into a box that looks just like everyone else, let’s do something completely NEW – together!

This course will lead you step-by-step through the exact conversations I have with my 1:1 clients. And I’ll be with you to coach you along as you dig into your brain trust.


Before you know it, you’ll uncover the gold nuggets of your messaging. You’ll be able to structure your website so that it leads your customer on a journey toward purchase. And you’ll beam with pride because you created a website that’s so incredibly effective!

I’m Kate. And I’m in love with my job!

I’m a hardcore introvert. So I chose a career where I could be by myself all day.


Except, I didn’t stay in my copywriting cave very long! Within one year of being trained as a copywriter, my mentors (Nicki K. & Kate S.) invited me to join the inaugural group of Student Coaches for the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy.


From then on, it’s been a glorious whirlwind!

  • I mentor and am mentored by my fellow copywriters.

  • I empower my clients with compelling done-for-you copy.

  • I strategize with new entrepreneurs to get their brands off the ground!

Amid all this extraverted success, there has been ONE challenge that kinda breaks my heart. Some of the new-ish solopreneurs I’ve met are stuck in a chicken-and-the-egg situation…

They need a website to increase profitability… but they don’t have the cash flow to invest in high-converting copy.

And THAT’S why the Website Kickstarter Course was born!


I’m taking everything I’ve learned from my years of copywriting and copy coaching. And I’m offering it to YOU! All so you can have a website that ramps up your revenue and makes you glow with pride.

Think this can’t possibly work for you? Think again, my friend.

Meet Meg.

Meg is a dating coach. Things were going great at the beginning of 2022! She had served over 50 clients and definitely had ‘proof of concept’ for her offer.

She went part time at her full time job as her first step into full-fledged entrepreneurship. Huzzah!


But she didn’t have a website. And when people would ask her to describe her offer, she didn’t have a compelling way to communicate her value. And she wasn't making sales.


Meg needed to show her avid Instagram followers that she could make a HUGE difference in their dating lives! So a website became her first priority.

After staring at a blank page for… a while… Meg bought a course which promised to help her structure a “compelling bio.” It turned out to be a template. And it did not work at all.


She told me, “I'm reading this piece – I followed their directions – and I'm like, why are people interested in this?”

Thank goodness Meg and I found each other on IG. (We bonded over grammar jokes, #asyoudo.) And after just TWO conversations with me, she had everything she needed to write every word of her 5-page website.


“I needed a website! I knew I needed a website! And writing it felt like pulling teeth. But once you and I got going… It was a dream and I wish that I knew you existed years ago! The whole process was so amazing. I'm so grateful!”


So you see, even if it feels impossible now – writing your site can be easy-breezy with me in your corner!

Your Website

A 3-day LIVE course
lifetime access to recordings
for a website that kicks doubt to the curb


If you’ve ever made excuses for the state of your site…

Or told the half-truth that your site is “coming soon”...


That all ends NOW.


Because YOU deserve a web presence you’re proud of! And your customers deserve a compelling case to work with you!


I’ll walk you through the strategic process I use with my 1:1 clients. With a workbook to help you keep everything straight, you’ll know exactly what to write on each page of your site.


What a miracle!

Here’s What’s Included:

9 training sessions over 3 days

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

July 18, 19, 20 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ET.

Valued at $600


Right now, you’re feeling overwhelmed. You have no idea where to start when it comes to writing your copy. And that means you’re in the perfect place!


I’ll guide you through the entire process of defining your website’s strategy. Each exercise is high-impact, zero sweat. (The best kind of workout, #amirite?)

Tuesday Trainings


1. Messaging Mindset: The Purpose & Function of Your Site


2. Getting Acquainted With Your Customer

3. Hot Seats, Q&A Session

Wednesday Trainings


1. Your Unique Skills & Expertise


2. Matching Your Skills With Your Customers’ Needs


3. Hot Seats, Q&A Session

Thursday Trainings

1. Thoughts, Feelings, Objections


2. Framing Your Offer to Be Irresistible!


3. Hot Seats, Q&A Session

If you can’t join live, no problemo! Just watch the recording as soon as you can. I invite you to send in questions for me to address during the Q&A.

Please note: you have to be on the call live to participate in a Hot Seat.


Strategic Implementation Workbook

Digital resource to help you apply each training to your unique biz

Valued at $97

This resource is going to become your BUSINESS BESTIE! You’ll fill this out as we go through each day’s training. And then you’ll be set up to take those notes and bullet points… and turn them into a real-live website!


The workbook includes everything you need to complete 5 pages of your website:​

  • Home

  • Services

  • About

  • FAQ

  • Contact

Introducing the “Git ‘Er Done” Session!

Drop-In office hours on Monday
July 24 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Valued at $340

I’ve never done this before, and I’m so excited to try it out with you! The Monday following our live sessions, I’m going to open my Zoom room for drop-in office hours! 


Use this time to ask questions and get feedback on what you’re working on. Or simply use me & your cohort for accountability as you breathe life into your website outlines.

But Wait! There's MORE!


Website Tech 101

Valued at $47

A quick-and-easy guide to choosing a web hosting platform. Prepare for your launch by getting clear on some super-common tech questions!


Use AI to Support Your Strategy

Valued at $97

There's a right way and a wrong way to use AI. In this live session (recording available), I'll walk you through the benefits – and pitfalls! – of ChatGPT and other tools.

Ready to kickstart your website copy?

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I want you to have the street cred that a kicka$$ website provides.

I want you to have the revenue that a high-converting website can bring.

And I want the barrier to your business’ growth to be as low as possible.

Working with a skilled copywriter to create the strategy for your site could easily cost $1,500. And to have them write it for you? That’s another $2,500.


That's an investment of at least $4,000 for professional help.

Meanwhile, the Website Kickstarter packs a valuable punch, giving you the tools you need to do a GREAT job with the support of a GREAT coach – 


6 Training Modules

3 Hot Seat/Q&A Sessions

Lifetime access to all recordings

The Git ‘Er Done office hours

Bonus: Website Tech 101

Bonus: Use AI to Support Your Strategy

This support is worth at least $1,270… But that's not what you'll pay!

Join the 2023 Kickstarter cohort TODAY for just $497. 

Not sure if this is really for you?

Well, my friend, you made it to this point. So I’m assuming that a lot of what I said has resonated. But I get it: making business investments at this point in the game can be a bit disconcerting.


I would never ask you to invest money into your business unless there was a darn good reason. (I am the QUEEN of the shoestring budget!)


So here’s a 2-minute True/False quiz to help you decide whether this course is right for you:


  1. You have a domain name/website that hasn’t brought you any business

  2. You answer most of your customers’ questions via DM

  3. You can’t think of anything (good) to say on your website

  4. When you look at your current website, you cringe in embarrassment


If most of these statements are true for you… then the Kickstarter is perfect for you!


I’m committed to helping you create an EFFECTIVE website – that you LOVE!

You get to choose the next steps
for your business

You could decide to do nothing. That is certainly a choice! If you close your browser right now, you’re choosing to build your business without an easy way to convert your audience into paying customers.


But you could also choose YES! The website you’ll write is only the surface. It’s what the website can do for you that will make the difference!


Strategic messaging helps your audience click that [buy now] button with confidence! In turn, your own confidence will soar. And your revenue will follow suit.

Yes, a website – done right – can do all of that!

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